Thursday, June 7, 2018


"So how are we coming along with the figures?"

"No that just won't do."

"We are going to have to come up with more savings."

"Yes, you heard what I said, more savings."

"We are living beyond our means."

"We can't go on living beyond our means."

"Which means?"

We are going to have to come up with more savings."

"Which means?"

"We can't  go on living beyond our means."

"Which means?"

"We can't go on living beyond our means."

"So we need to cut costs."

"Cut costs?"

"Yes, you heard me very well. Cut costs."

"Which means?"

"We are going to have to be more productive."

"Which means?"

"We are going to have to do less with more. I mean more with less."

"But what are we doing?"

"We are looking for more savings."

"Which means?"

"You heard me very well."

"But what are We doing?"

"We are looking for savings."

"Who are we saving for?"

"We are saving for us."

"Which means?"

"It will cost us."

"Give me the gun."


"You heard what I said. Give me the gun."

"What are you doing?"

"We can't go on living beyond our means."


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